Michigan House Republicans
Line 5 permitting presents glimmer of hope as Michigan households suffer at the hands of inflated energy costs
RELEASE|December 5, 2023
Contact: Pat Outman

State Rep. Pat Outman (R-Six Lakes), who serves on the House Energy Committee, issued the following statement celebrating the Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) approval of the Line 5 Tunnel permitting process:

“Michiganders encountered significant energy setbacks over the past week, with rising electricity rates and the looming threat that Gov. Whitmer’s green energy mandates will further exacerbate household expenses amid rising inflation. This unsettling combination has cast a pall over holiday season, turning what should be peaceful, cheerful time of year into an anxious one, as increased utility bills and the specter of power outages cast an ominous cloud.

“The state is now facing a dual blow as Democrats’ extreme net-zero energy bills are now state law. This harmful legislation, coupled with the MPSC’s approval of a $368.1 million rate increase for DTE customers, intensifies the strain on residents. The timing of the hike, just days after the enactment of the new law and a few weeks before Christmas, underscores the immediate impact on households during an already strained time of year.

“Amid these challenges, a glimmer of positivity has emerged. The MPSC has officially permitted Enbridge Energy to proceed with the construction of the Line 5 Tunnel. This critical infrastructure project is seen as a lifeline, enhancing the safety of a vital pipeline that supplies affordable fuel for Michigan families.”

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