Michigan House Republicans
Rep. Green: State budget must prioritize education, health care and practical energy
RELEASE|February 8, 2023
Contact: Phil Green

State Rep. Phil Green today stressed responsible, targeted spending and commitments to health care and education as Gov. Gretchen Whitmer presented budget recommendations to Green and fellow House Appropriations Committee members today.

Green has been instrumental in working with the governor for the last four years to increase education funding, especially for rural areas. The past two signed budgets have maintained equal per-pupil allowances – allowing every child to thrive no matter where in the state they live. Whitmer’s budget recommendation increases K-12 per-pupil funding by five percent and would devote $500 million to school infrastructure, following House Republican efforts to secure record-high base funding to support students last year.

“Investing in our students is a down payment on the future of our region and state,” said Green, of Millington. “It’s vitally important to make sure no child in Michigan is left behind in the classroom, which is why I’ll continue fighting to ensure kids in our rural area have the same chance to excel as ones in larger population centers.”

The budget recommendation also would provide additional resources for direct care workers and devote $30 million in base funding to local public health departments.

“Health care costs take up huge chunks of household budgets for working families and seniors,” Green said. “Michigan rural citizens deserve greater access to care and lower costs as they struggle to make ends meet. We must also ensure we have enough professionals who provide that care by prioritizing recruiting and retention efforts and other initiatives that will help meet demand.”

Green pushed back against efforts to mainstream alternative sources of energy – noting that it’s not practical for rural areas and that taxpayers in these areas should not be responsible for footing the bill for expensive government programs.

“We should be addressing the most pressing issues facing Michigan families every day, not growing government to follow agendas,” Green said.

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