Michigan House Republicans
Rep. Filler opposes energy proposals that will drive up costs, erode local control
RELEASE|August 31, 2023
Contact: Graham Filler

State Rep. Graham Filler today expressed deep concern about several proposals included in the governor’s “What’s Next” speech, including legislation mandating 100% carbon-free electricity production on a tight timeline and a plan to override local control of approval for green energy projects.

House Democrats have already introduced House Bills 4759-4761, which would force Michigan electric companies to use entirely carbon-free power sources by 2035, prematurely closing natural gas plants and halting all investment in nuclear power.

Filler, who co-chairs the Legislature’s bipartisan nuclear energy caucus, said nuclear power is one of the cleanest, most reliable energy sources. The new state budget, signed by Gov. Whitmer just last month, recognizes that with a $150 million investment in bringing Palisades nuclear plant in west Michigan back online.

“This is a reckless policy that will create a void in our energy supply, leading to higher prices for residents who will receive rolling blackouts in return,” said Filler, R-Clinton County. “It’s going to have dire consequences for large manufacturers and small businesses, and make Michigan a less desirable place to live, work, and do business.”

The governor’s speech on Wednesday also referenced a plan that would give state government the power to permit solar projects, shifting control away from local government.

“Local communities deserve to have a say when it comes to approving large-scale solar projects,” Filler said. “If the governor’s going to wage a war over local control, she’s going to have a big fight on her hands.”


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