Michigan House Republicans
Rep. Kunse: Schools should not be tasked with using their own funds for union dues, taking money out of the classroom
RELEASE|May 11, 2023
Contact: Tom Kunse

Rep. Tom Kunse (R-Clare), a member of the House Labor committee, expressed his growing concerns with legislation that advanced through the committee today.

House Bill 4233 would repeal the prohibition on school districts collecting union dues on behalf of a bargaining unit.

“School administrators should not be wasting their time collecting dues on the unions’ behalf when their sole responsibility is to educate children,” Kunse said. “This is an unethical, unfeasible ask. It is 100% your responsibility to pay your own dues when you join a voluntary organization. Schools should not use one second of their time or any resources on this whatsoever, as their responsibility is to educate kids – not help collect dues for the organization bargaining against them. Further, asking school districts to use their funds for union dues takes more money out of the classroom. As a state, we should be investing in our education. This Democrat-led tactic is misguided, and burdens Michigan students. I will work tirelessly to find a better plan.”

Rep. Kunse has spoken with local officials throughout his district about the legislation.

“This plan is extremely unpopular among those I’ve spoken with in my district,” Kunse said. “It goes against core values, and will take resources away from educating our kids. I will continue to fight for the genuine needs of Michiganders, rather than pander to organizations and associations.”

Despite opposition by Kunse, HB 4233 now advances to the full House for further consideration.

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